We PROMISE to make it Easy-Peasy!

Learn How to Publish
"No-Content" Books
on Amazon Quickly!

In just TEN days we will provide everything you need to get
TEN books published on Amazon!

Live Training


Reference Videos


Stop leaving money on the table! Take advantage of Amazon's self-publishing program for Q4. There are NO up-front fees. No inventory to carry. And, the best part - No writing!

I'm Jenni Hunt and I have been helping online sellers grow creatively in their businesses since 2003. I am excited to team up with my 16 year old daughter to share with you how EASY it is to get books up on Amazon that shoppers are already looking for!

The best part is, not only will you learn HOW to do this quickly and on your own... you won't have to go it alone.

We will walk you through every step of the way -- providing templates and training that are actionable and you can make work for you immediately.

If you follow the program with us, at the end of the 10 days, you will have 10 books up on Amazon.

We were told that $147 would be a steal for what we are offering (that's just $15/book that we help you get published)... But, we wanted to make it a complete no-brainer. We are ALL about over delivering :-)

For just $47 $27 SPECIAL PRICE for MY READERS!! You can join us live for 10 days and walk away with 10 more listings on Amazon at this special price... and don't forget that you will have all the skills to repeat the process over and over.

"I've got my first 5 books up, today I got my first proof copy in the mail and I sold my first book. Thank you Jenni and Halle." - Mark

What you can expect:

Every Day Step-by-Step Assignments, Access to Templates, Extra Resource & Strategy Tips.

Here is our schedule for the 10 days:

DAY 1: Over the Shoulder Market & Keyword Research

DAY 2: Book Titles & Niches

DAY 3: Interior Page Training With Templates Ready to Upload

DAY 4: Build Listings 1-5

DAY 5: Upload Interior Pages & Create Covers with Templates (books 1-5)

DAY 6: Build Listings 6-10

DAY 7: Upload Interior Pages & Create Covers with Templates (books 6-10)

DAY 8: Publish to Review

DAY 9: Publish to Review

DAY 10: Publish to Complete

We can't wait to jump in!

"I have 5 books up. One of them is live. I get the proofs on Saturday. Can't wait. Got another one almost done. My first kid's book! This course has been great for getting me over the hump and on the way. Thanks Jenni and Halle." - Pat

The next 10 Books in 10 Days starts in January.