Auction Strategists: Add Some FIREWORKS To Your Auctions


Auction Strategists Newsletter

Brought to you by Jenni Hunt

In this newsletter:


1. Adding FIREWORKS to your eBay business

2. Heads Up: Growing Your Niche

3. Heads Up: What About Information Products?

4. How to subscribe or Change your subscription status



Hi ~

As 4th of July is coming… and in Oregon, that means fireworks stands are popping up everywhere. Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking just my 4 year old to the grocery store with me for a few things… the parking lot had the same fireworks stand that has been there year after year. In fact, I’m sure it is run by the same people. It is always in the same spot of the parking lot… the only change is that they are in a big white tent instead of a wooden shed.

Usually, the flags and bright colors are enough to get the attention of my children, but this time — it was something else.

This year, there was another fireworks tent on the other side of the parking lot. It was white with flags all over it – just like the other one that is always there… only this one had 5 (yes FIVE) huge inflatable slides and bouncy houses for kids to play in. It took up most of the parking lot!

I didn’t even drive on the side of the parking lot that had the inflatable slides… in fact, we drove right by the tent that has been there year after year selling fireworks… But, do you think my 4 year old even saw this tent?


He was completely focused on the inflatables.

And, can you guess who had shoppers in their tent and who didn’t?

The one with the inflatables was full of shoppers…

I kind of felt sorry for the guy who has always been in this spot. He has probably done quite well for himself… year after year… It is a nice place for traffic. I’m sure he didn’t anticipate the competition… That someone would come in with these inflatables taking all the customers.

What he has done year after year has always worked – why would he think he needed to do anything differently this year? Well, I’m sure next year – he will either have a new spot for his tent… or he will be ready with his own creative idea to blow away his competition.

So… let me ask you this…

Are you set in your ways with how you run your eBay business?

Are you doing the same thing year after year… because this is what has always worked for you?

What is your competition doing?

How could you be the one with the ‘inflatables’ to blow your competition away?… or are you going to be the one who gets blown away?

We’ll address this more – but, I wanted to get you thinking about how you can differentiate yourself from your competition… because, even if you are in a niche that nobody else has discovered yet — even if you dominate your niche, eventually someone is going to come along with inflatables.

Will you be ready?




2. Heads Up: Growing Your Niche


Focusing on a specific market or niche is an essential piece to being successful online. Once you have determined your niche, you’ll focus on growing in your niche and there are lots of ways you can do this.

One way is to find new products you can promote to new visitors. You are probably already doing this… shopping for new inventory to list and sell to new (or revisiting) customers. While this is a decent option – there is so much more you can do.

If your focus is children’s items – you could be selling children’s clothing, toys, baby gear, and plenty of other items directly related to this market… and because the niche is broad, you have the potential of having repeat customers.

Another way to grow your niche, however, is to look at products you can sell to your market that are RELATED to your current niche. We have talked about this before… and if you haven’t done this yet, you might want to pay attention.

There are six factors that actively contribute to the process of being successful with niche products. I have a strategy guide, Niche Factors, that looks at these six factors and teaches how to apply them to a single market.

You can gain an advantage with Niche Factors because you will have the skills, knowledge and a plan that your competition won’t have. The Niche Factors strategy give you your edge.

Niche Factors is usually offered at $27 – but, through next Saturday, July 4th, I can get it to you for only $10.

Please note – This 48 page report, Niche Factors, is NOT a step-by-step guide… it is a “strategy guide” and will open your eyes to new ways to grow inside your market. It is written in a very easy to understand format and you will walk away with new ideas you can apply immediately to your eBay business.

Get it through July 4 for only $10 HERE:



3. Heads Up: What About Information Products?


Information products have become extremely popular and one of the reasons for this is because we live in a time when people want their information NOW.

Think about it… someone gets online at night because they can’t sleep. They start searching for ways to help them sleep and a website featuring a great information product showing that person how they can get more sleep comes up. Because they want to get sleep NOW… and because the information product they found can be instantly downloaded… they buy it.

That’s just a simple example… but, the point is, people are extremely busy and want their information as fast as they can got it. You can write information products on a variety of topics — from recipes, to work at home, to parenting – they really aren’t much different than a physical product. They should provide useful, valuable information to the customer and be of high quality. The only differenct is that information products can be digitally downloaded… which means you don’t have to SHIP ANYTHING!

Here are a few reasons why information products are great for all business owners… especially if you are building a list from your visitors and customers!

— Once you write a product it keeps producing for you. Once you cover the costs of putting the product together (which are quite low), all future sales are profits. You can do the work once and the product keeps working for you over and over again.

— They are simple to put together. With a reseach outline you can quickly put together an information product. You don’t have to wory about finding a publisher or printing costs. All you need is to take the information you have on a topic and put it into text or audio (or both). You can even buy Private label Rights information to use as your own!

— You can send traffic to your website or auctions. You can use your new product to drive traffic to your auctions or website by referencing it in the header, footer… or even in the main body of the information. If you are providing valuable information (and not making it just a big advertisement for your business) – people will respond by checking out what else you have to offer.

— It is a passive income stream. Again, you do the work once and reap the benefits from it over and over again. Plus, you can automate the entire process from the customer purchasing to downloading – so even if it 2am, they can buy the product… creating a passive income for you.

No matter how you look at it, information products are popular and a great way to reach your current (and new) customers.



Copyright 2009 Jenni Hunt,

You MAY reprint any of the articles in this newsletter for any

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