Have you taken a breather from your business recently?

I’m very aware that I haven’t posted in the past 3-4 months… and it isn’t because I haven’t had some great things that I’ve wanted to share with you… it’s just that sometimes life takes priority – know what I mean?

We are kidding ourselves if we think that we can plug along day after day… week after week… month after month… and not need a break from our work or businesses. It’s GOOD to take a breather — to step away for a while… to focus on other things… and come back to business later. Usually this break allows for a new perspective on how you do business. And, most likely, you will return with a clear mind and a new motivation!

For some reason, however, I don’t think I need to convince you that taking a breather from your business is a good idea every once and a while… that’s not the problem.

The problem is… and I can almost hear many of you thinking it now…
“How am I suppose to survive in this economy if I step away for a month or two… or even a week?”

Ahhh… that is a great question 😉

And, the internet has all the answers… We live in an amazing information and technology age. Learning to use this technology to automate your business is likely one of the most important things you could be doing right now. This is a tough one for Ebay sellers to grasp – usually, the concept is easy to understand… who can argue against creating automated revenue streams? Sounds like a dream! But, how do you apply this strategy to selling on eBay?

Talk about a loaded question! There are so many ways – really, all it takes is an open mind and a bit of creativity.

I’ve talked a lot about blogging this past year… and you’ll continue to hear about it from me. Why? Because it is one of easiest ways to generate additional revenue (and automated revenue streams)… plus, you can leverage your blog to drive traffic to your eBay business. BUT, once you have revenue coming from your blog – you are free to step away for a while and take a break… and guess what? You’ll still earn an income on your break! The other reason you are going to continue to hear from me about blogging is… well… let me be blunt – Do you have a blog yet? Are you using it to drive traffic to your eBay business? Are you gaining blog readers from your eBay auctions? Are you generating new revenue streams with it?

If you answered yes to these questions then YAY! Please post a link to your blog in the comments section – I LOVE hearing about other people’s success.

If you answered no to these questions… let me encourage you to pay attention. We are going to be digging deep into blogging… and you’ll have yours up and running in no time! If you have a question specific to blogging – please feel free to post a comment with it. I want to make sure I am addressing your concerns and questions so that you get the most out of what I have to share with you.

It’s good to be back… I’m excited for the wild ride ahead – hope you are too! 🙂

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