It’s Not About eBay Anymore!

Auction Strategists Newsletter

Brought to you by Jenni Hunt

In this newsletter:
1. It’s Not About eBay Anymore!
2. This Week – Sherah’s Garage Sale eBook
Hello ~

Have you heard? A lot of people are saying that eBay is dead… again.

It just might be for some people – but, I really think it all comes down to your business strategy.

I think eBay is alive and well… read on to find out why.


PS. I’m about to close up the Start Here Blogging course for a bit. We are just about to our limit. If you are interested in learning how to set up a blog for your eBay business… and build new automated revenue streams, you’ll want to check it out. In fact, if you get in before the end of the week, I’ll knock off $5 every single month!

Learn more here:

BUT if you want to save $30 on the course, use this special link before Friday at midnight:

Here is what people are saying:
“I think overall you have taken a dificult subject and taught us how to make a blog that will be very productive for us.”

“Great course and great price.”

“The scope of the course is so comprehensive, and so clearly explained, that I really think anyone who can read and follow instructions can do it.  The course broke down the most technical and complicated processes into small easily understood steps.  There’s no way I could have done it on my own and come out with such a professional product.”

“I like that the lessons, especially the early ones, were clear and broken down step-by-step, and the flow into more complicated processes was gradual and well organized.”

“I find it very simple to understand as a newbie. And I am amazed at the large amount of content!”

Save $5 every month with this link:

It’s Not About eBay Anymore!

There was a time, not too long ago, when making any sort of income online seemed to revolve around eBay. Times have changed… and opportunity online has really come a long way.

eBay certainly isn’t what it use to be.

It use to be that almost anyone could sell and do well… There has been a lot of talk lately that this opportunity no longer exists.

Perhaps for some, the eBay ‘buzz’ is dead.

I think what has really happened is that the opportunity with eBay has simply changed.

The problem is that in this age of the internet things change very quickly… and if our business is attached in any way to the internet, we need to be able to change just as quickly to survive.

It is important that we are flexible and are willing to morph with how things are changing in the online world… this includes how we use eBay.

It use to truly be that one man’s junk was another man’s treasure on eBay. You could take almost anything that wasn’t nailed to the wall in your home and sell it on eBay for a pretty penny… in fact, this is how a lot of sellers got started.

Maybe this was you!

eBay sellers use to have their entire business strategy revolve around eBay…
now, to be a successful seller, eBay has to be a piece of the business strategy.

Instead of depending on eBay for all revenue and income…
We have to move to USING eBay for revenue and income.

How do you USE eBay instead of just depend on it?

A big part of moving in this direction is to shift your thinking from considering your business as just an EBAY business.

The reality is you have an ONLINE business… eBay just happens to be a part of it. You are selling product online – and you happen to use eBay to do that.

You are an online business owner.

With that shift in our thinking, it is easier to recognize how eBay fits in the puzzle (vs. being the puzzle!)…

How does eBay benefit you?

Think about that for a minute.

My answer would be that as an online business owner, eBay benefits me by providing a targeted market for my products.

In other words… eBay is where the people who want to buy are!

Sure, customers can be found on amazon or craigslist – but, eBay is still one of the most visited sites and, in my opinion, it is worth finding a way to continue to include using it as a part of your business strategy.

I have found that one of the best ways to use eBay is for it’s traffic. If you can harness the traffic eBay has for your particular products, you wouldn’t have to be a slave to eBay’s fees or feedback!

Harnessing eBay’s traffic simply means that you find a way to take all the potential customers eBay provides you and pull them to a place where you can have more control. It means finding a way to give incentive for people to come to you outside of eBay.

What does this place look like?

Two ideas come to mind:

1. Build a mailing list by giving away an ebook, short report, or other information of value (coupon, etc.) as an incentive for your audience to subscribe. Once they are on your mailing list you can sell to them over and over again – you gain control. Now, I highly recommend that you don’t just ‘sell’ to your mailing list. It is extremely important that you focus on providing information that is valuable to your readers for this strategy to be effective.

2. Set up a blog or website (a blog is easier!) where you can build a relationship with your audience. When you share information your readers are interested in, they will respond because you have built trust. Use eBay to point traffic to your blog.

This isn’t a new message… many of you have heard it before – from me and others. If you are like me, however, you might need to hear it a few times before it clicks… 😉

eBay might be dead for some sellers… but, I am convinced that it is still one of the best places to find traffic for virtually any market!

What do you think?

What’s Coming – Sherah’s Garage Sale eBook

We have talked a lot about garage sales in recent weeks/months… and I wanted to give you a heads up. I’m working out a special deal with Sherah Taylor from Auction-Moms… she has a wonderful garage sale ebook that I read every year – and you are going to be able to get it for a super discount.

I’ll be sharing the details later this week… so stay tuned!


Copyright 2010 Jenni Hunt,

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