Planning to sell on Amazon this holiday?

Are you planning to sell toys or games on this holiday season? If so – listen up!
Amazon will stop accepting new sellers in the toys and games store Septemeber 19, 2011. Effective November 15, 2011, the only sellers who meet certain criteria will be eligible to sell toys and games from November 15th – January 2012.
What do you need to do to be able to resell toys on Amazon this holiday?
You’ll find the complete list of holiday selling guidelines here:
Amazon has always been a great place to resell… in fact, that is where I started in 2002. If you are planning to sell toys this holiday – I highly recommend getting involved with Amazon NOW so you can include your inventory on their site.

Again – don’t hesitate – you have to have your first sale prior to 9/19/2011!

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2 Replies to “Planning to sell on Amazon this holiday?”

  1. The link to the article “Selling Toys This Holiday on IS NOT WORKING. Would love to read it. Please fix asap.

    Thanks, Veronica

    1. Hi Veronica,
      It’s working fine for me… you can find the article by googling: amazon holiday toys 2011 Amazon – you’ll find the info within the first few results.
      Let me know if you still can’t find the info.

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