Ripping eBay’s Toy List Apart… again.

Last month we took a short list of toys that eBay states are in demand in the Toy Story 3 category holiday hotlist for this year…

We decided to do our own research and, honestly, I think we ripped eBays list apart. None of these toys proved to be hot sellers because they weren’t selling for anymore than what someone could get them for in a retail store.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, we looked at the data again last week… guess what? The toys they say are in demand – still aren’t selling all that great… at least, that is my opinion.

See, here is the thing… I’ve been saying this for years – ANYONE can predict hot sellers. But, unless you do research and look at the data to see how a toy is performing on eBay, there is really no way to know what the hot sellers really are.

I need to say that these toys that eBay has claimed to be hot could very well end up being great sellers next month… however, you won’t know unless you look at the data. Claiming these to be in demand on eBay in September when they were hardly selling – doesn’t make them a hot item! At least not in my book. The research has to be done…

So – here it is again. This is a real example of how we take a list of predictions and compare it to real eBay data.

This is the same list I shared with you back in September – the Toy Story 3 toys that eBay has said are in demand this holiday… only with updated data.

Look for yourself, do you think these are hot sellers?


This is exactly what we do with the Holiday Toy Guide – we look at a list of over 50 toys that are expected to be popular this year and report how they are performing on eBay compared to retail pricing. You will know exactly what IS selling well and what isn’t!

The weekly report starts on Wednesday next week (the 3rd) – make sure you get all 8 lists by getting in early.

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