Using Amazon for increased revenue – Without Selling!

Auction Strategists Newsletter
Brought to you by Jenni Hunt
In this newsletter:
1. Using Amazon’s big traffic to make money (no selling here!)
2. Don’t Miss MY Garage Sale – Nothing Held Back!
3. How to subscribe or Change your subscription status
There has been a lot of buzz about Amazon lately… and rightly so! It looks like Amazon has finally surpassed eBay by having 4% more visitors this summer…
So, my question to you is:
How does this effect what you are doing with your eBay business?
Are you still JUST selling on eBay? Although I think eBay is a very viable revenue stream, I’ve long taught that it is extremely important to not have all of your eggs in the ebay basket!
What if eBay closes your account?
What if they shut down for whatever reason?
Will your business survive?

If eBay is just one or two of the eggs you have in your basket – you will be able to recover any losses rather quickly; however, if all of your revenue is generated from selling inventory on eBay… let me encourage you to take a serious look at your business model!
It all goes back to taking control back from eBay!
Well – one of the super cool things about the internet today is that you (we) have many… many options for selling product (or reselling, if that is the case for you).
We have eBay.
We have craigslist.
We have facebook.
We have amazon.
… I could really go on and on, right?
Here is something you might not have thought of…
Did you know that you can make money selling on Amazon without actually selling? In fact, as we come up on the holiday season, you’ll want to be implementing this strategy to increase your revenue significantly!
See, Amazon, like many other sites has an affiliate program. They call it their ‘associate program’. The gist is that once you are an associate, you can send people to ANY amazon page through a special link amazon gives you and when people click through that link and buy something, you get a percentage.
Here is the super cool part… are you ready?
You get a percentage of ANYTHING they buy within 30 days of when they originally clicked on the link. They don’t even have to buy what you promoted to them!
Think about this…
All you have to do is get people to CLICK on your link.
You know they are going to be visiting Amazon again soon (especially as the holidays get closer) to do some shopping… and when they do, your link will be cookied and you will earn a super easy commission!
You don’t have to sell anything.
You don’t have to ship anything.
Nope… nada!
Just have them simply click.
so – you might ask what this really looks like in an online business model.
Well, Many of you have taken advantage of my Start Here Program and set up a blog to build traffic… some of you have gone through my List Building course… and some of you have built your own customer base. Some of you have a Facebook page for your online business and have followers you can share information (ie., amazon links) with… All of these tools have helped you build a readership that you can promote Amazon products to.
The question comes down to – How do you get your readers to click?
This is where you need to get creative… There are lots of things you can do – here are a few ideas to get the wheels turning:
1. pull together a comparison list of products your market might be interested in that sell on Amazon… and include your affiliate link to each product. For example, perhaps your market is interested in weight loss products, you could provide a review of the top 5 that are sold on Amazon. In that review link to those amazon products with your associate link!
2. Generate a top 10 recommendations of products your readers are likely to be interested in. Don’t include images of the products – just links. This way they have to click over to amazon to view the picture… setting your associatelink.
3. If it is appropriate, tell your readers how to be a part of the amazonassociate program – and have the associate program link be your special link so it gets cookied πŸ˜‰
I’ve had great luck with all of the above… especially around the holidays because people are already going to Amazon to shop – you are just encouraging them to go through your link one time.
Alright – so how do you sign up for the associate program on amazon?
1. Go to and scroll down a bit
2. You’ll see a link for ‘associates’ on the left side of the page.
3. Β Click that link and they will walk you through the whole process.
It is pretty easy and doesn’t cost a thing! πŸ™‚
And, if you are looking for creative ways to build a readership through your eBay business by adding a blog, building a mailing list, or writing and publishing an eBook… read on!
My FIRST online Garage Sale!
To celebrate the upcoming release of my latest Start Here Program: Membership Sites, I’m having a garage sale! You’ll hear more about the new Start Here Program for membership sites next week – but, in the mean time…
Through the weekend (until Monday night – midnight PST), you can take advantage of garage sale prices on ANY Start Here Program eCourse!!
1. 6 month Blogging course
2. 10 Days To An eBook
3. Building Your Mailing List
4. SEO for eBay Sellers
Check out my Garage Sale Deals Here —>
Save $30 on the Blogging Course!
Save almost 50% on all the other courses!
ONLY through midnight, August 29th (THIS MONDAY!)

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